Stamp Collecting & Trading
Send me an email at if you’d like to make an inquiry or offer a trade or whatever.
Offering for trade
- Austria
- Denmark
- East Germany
- Finland
- Germany
- Great Britain
- Netherlands
- Norway
- Poland
- Romania
- Sweden
Lots of material up for exchange. Mostly worldwide modern with some classics mixed in from mainland Europe, Scandinavia, and USA.
Collecting interests
- Andorra
- Algeria
- Barbados
- Bulgaria
- France & colonies
- Iceland
- Japan
- Morocco
- Airmail
- Camels
- Hotels
- Locals
- Sailboats
- Universal Postal Union
I generally collect from places I have been or want to go. My favorite printing style is engraving, so most of my focus is from before 1960 or so. That’s not to say I’m totally uninterested in modern stamps, I dig the 2010 Canada blue whale. And the Great Smoky Mountains from USA. And some newer Dutch and Swiss issues...